I’ll start sharpening MY pencil.

You deserve a story you want to shout from the rooftops. I can't wait to help you craft it.

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Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-5pm PST

As a seasoned creative copywriter, there is nothing I love more than chatting content needs and talking target audiences. Fill out my contact form, and let's get to making (well written) magic happen.

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Before you click submit, please note: I am currently booking website copy projects for a turnaround of April 2025.

Still interested in doing the custom-copywriting dance? Let’s put on our well-punctuated party pants and get to it!

Hold it right there!

Someone will get back to you soon! Until then, browse our blog for helpful copywriting tips and tricks.

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Freebies to help you get the job done. I shouldn’t have, I know.

Word banks for wedding pros and creatives.

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